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Technical Reports


  • @techreport{OSK2003,
    	vgclass =	{report},
    	author =	{Andre Oboler and David McG.\ Squire and Kevin B.\ Korb},
    	title =	{Why don't we practice what we teach? {E}ngineering Software
    	for Computer Science Research in Academia},
    	number =	{2003/139},
    	institution =	{School of Computer Science and Software Engineering,
    	Monash University},
    	address =	{900 Dandenong Road, Caulfield, Victoria 3145, Australia},
    	year =	{2003},
    	url =	{/publications/postscript/2003/tr-2003-139-full.pdf},
    	abstract =	{The development process used by researchers often seems to
    	be random and unsystematic. A Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is
    	often not considered, internal commenting is scarce, and external
    	documentation takes the form of erasure marks left on whiteboards.
    	Configuration management is paid lip-service, but is not standard
    	practice. This paper examines some reasons behind the apparent
    	large-scale non-adoption of software engineering in academic research.
    	We also look at the effects on some projects where it was adopted.
    	Finally we present a new SDLC designed for the academic research
    	environment, and suggest an organizational structure to maximize the
    	benefit to research students, academics, and the institution.},